Saturday, September 26, 2015

Generation M

                                                             GENERATION M

                                                   Misogyny in Media and Culture

                                                             Thomas Keith, PhD.


Dichotomy - a difference between 2 opposite things.

As I watched this video, when the subject of dichotomy was brought up, I whole heartedly agreed with what was being said. No one is born being a racist, a misogynist or believing that boys and girls are different. These are all things we learn as a children. From sports, toys, feelings and behavior even the career path we choose. They refer to this as gender training.

When choosing sports for the children boys are usually geared towards playing football, soccer, basketball mostly all physical activities. While girls are encouraged to be dancers or cheerleaders.

The toys are usually labeled either boys or girls. Trucks, cars, army men all toys parents and society see as being for boys. Where dolls, kitchens, vanities with make-up and dress up clothes are all deemed as being for girls.

Different feelings and behavior are encouraged early in life. Boys are usually taught to be tough and aggressive. While girls are taught to be cute and passive.

If a man chooses an occupation that requires one to be compassionate and caring, their masculinity is questioned. If a woman chooses a career generally occupied by men, their feminity is questioned.

In any of these instances the boys, girls, men and women sexuality is questioned if they defer from what society deems normal.

Why can't we be a society where everyone is an egalitarian? Where we are all treated as equals and given the same opportunities regardless of sex, race, sexuality, class, political views, religion.


  1. I totally agree with you. Our society for some odd reason labels things that shouldn't be label. Why does it have to be a girls toy? Why can't a boy want to play with a "girls toy"? It's just a toy. The older people definitely teach us whats what as we are kids. It's terrible.

  2. I agree, I believe that we should not be labeled nor be labeled for what career path we chose. Nor should children toys be labeled. The frustrating part is that we cannot always control the gender issues. From personal experience, I have seen gender issues up close and personal. I work for a family who believes that girls wear pink and boys wear blue. They have doll houses for their daughters and transformers for their son. They continued to teach their children that men who wear pink are considered creepy. These children have no opinion until they are influenced by their parents. Their parents do not allow them to make their own thoughts on this matter. As much as I would love to say something, it is not my place. The oldest is fascinated by the fact that I have independence to make my own perspectives. It makes me wonder how they will think once they are on their own as they will have more freedom once they leave the birds nest.

  3. I agree with you especially when it comes to sports, girls shouldn't be looked at weird for wanting to play football and boys shouldn't be looked at weird or judged for wanting to be cheerleaders. The child should be allowed to learn and live its life by doing what it wants without it having to be based on gender norms.

  4. I do agree with what you said about , "No one is born being a racist, a misogynist or believing that boys and girls are different," because I feel that everyone is born into judgment. With everything that's going on in the world children who are growing up they see all of that and it brain washed their brain. It's disappointing to see but everyone is involved in all the judgment in the world.

  5. This made me think ofmy cousin who posted on Facebook that if people don't agree with her parenting styles to stay away from her children because she doesn't want them learning societies norms.
